How To Have Healthy Teeth Beyond 60?

A healthy mouth means a healthy body. Most people around the age of 60 lose their real teeth and start using dentures or implants. Even though teeth have a lesser life than us, proper care can help you die of old age with all your real teeth. Advancements in dental technology also help several people reach their latter years with healthy teeth. A healthy tooth also plays a significant role in your overall health. Here are some suggestions for maintaining your teeth to extend their lifetime.

Everyday Oral Care

Human teeth are not naturally equipped to beyond 60 years and need everyday efforts to maintain their health over that period. Far more older people can retain a significant portion of their teeth nowadays with proper oral care. The secret to healthy teeth is the magic formula of brush, floss, rinse and repeat every day. Reducing the intake of sugary and acidic foods may help lower plaque formation. Brushing cannot remove tiny particles that stick between your teeth. Flossing every day is also necessary to ensure your mouth’s complete cleanliness. Using a mouthwash after brushing and flossing can safeguard your teeth from tooth decay and enamel erosion.

Periodic Dental Checkup

Visit your dentist every six months to check for cavities and cleaning. Regularly cleaning your mouth at the dentist office removes plaque. The removal of plaque maintains your teeth and gums healthy in the long term. Plaque buildup causes bacteria to grow and increase the acidity in your mouth. The fermentation of bacteria affects the gums and leads to gum diseases. You can avoid all these by visiting your dentist twice a year even if you have no dental concerns. Dentists can spot cavities in the teeth and treat them early to avoid future oral problems.

Start Young

Parents should begin oral health routine even before the baby’s tooth emerges. Even though they are not visible, the baby’s teeth start to develop during the second trimester of the pregnancy. Start cleaning the gums with a damp washcloth even before the baby begins teething. Use a baby toothbrush and a pinch of baby toothpaste until the age of two to inculcate the habit of brushing daily. As they grow older, regularly take them to pediatric dentists who can check for dental cavities and other related problems. The dentists can check for any bite or alignment issues and correct them immediately. Correction at a reasonably young age is smoother and more successful. Routine checkups and proper maintenance will minimise severe dental complications and costly procedures later.

Benefits Of Good Oral Hygiene

Having regular dental visits can help identify certain diseases like osteoporosis and oral cancers earlier. Infections in the mouth are linked to other body complications like heart disease and respiratory problems. Timely treatment of gum diseases is also vital to prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s. Sustaining your dental health is essential for all ages. You can keep your teeth young in old age through meticulous oral self-care and with regular help from your dentist.